Kali Sikaran Shop

The shop to buy your Kali Sikaran training programs and gear.

Why Choose Us?

Kali Sikaran Shop offer training programs, courses and gear for Kali, Arnis and Eskrima training. 

Kali Sikaran International provides structured progression and methodology for your success in reaching the next level of Selfdefence with Confidence. 

Kali Sikaran has showed me another level of understanding  Martial Arts properly!

Andy Gerhard
Martial Artist

About Us

Matt Teasdale

Kali Sikaran UK

Kali Sikaran International is a team of instructors that develop and share knowledge to bring the level of functionality to the highest standards.


Kali Sikaran Shop is shipping internationally and have representatives around the world. There is delivery options for official KSI events when posted.

Australia, Sweden, UK, USA

Main Events

Mandirigma Camp

The Summer Camp

Instructor Camp

Xmas Special